North Central Regional Aquaculture Center
Youth Education in Aquaculture
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Aquaculture Outreach

One of the primary objectives of Youth Education in Aquaculture is to identify and quantify the level of aquaculture engagement that exists in high schools in the North Central Regional Aquaculture Center region, and potentially in other Regional Aquaculture Centers in the future. The interactive map below displays the known level of aquaculture participation of contacted high schools.

Aquaculture Involvement

Please make a selection from the drop downs below the map and click Submit to start!
Map Legend

Want to See Yourself on This Map? Is Your Information Inaccurate?

Please keep in mind, we are still in the process of gathering information to be displayed on this map. If you are part of a school or business and would like to see yourself on this map, or if the current information displayed is inaccurate, please send us an email at Please be sure to include your name, the name of your associated organization, website (if applicable) and address and we will get your point on the map or correct the displayed information as soon as possible.